The City of Peoria Launches New Suggestion Board Website

The City of Peoria Launches New Suggestion Board Website

Civic ArtWorks makes neighborhood design more accessible than ever. Our online platform enables citizens to share new ideas and concerns about their community with their neighbors. We remove barriers and enable a fluid conversation between community members and our expert planning and design staff. We strive to build trust and encourage greater participation in order to generate a vi- sion for the future that truly reflects the values of the community. This results in diagrams, plans, and illustrations that celebrate the community’s input, inspire continued action, and lead to successful implementation.

It’s an open slate. We’re asking…..what do we want for downtown? What experiences do you desire in downtown? What attracts you to a City’s downtown? How do you want Peoria’s Downtown to look, act and feel in 10 years? This is an opportunity to give input, to determine desired programming and interventions for Peoria’s Downtown and Riverfront, that will increase use, enjoyment, vibrancy, and economic viability of the area.

Visit the site to submit your input Civic ArtWorks